
Thursday 25 September 2014

Scrollator - Replacement for the browsers scroll bar

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This plugin Scrollator is a jQuery-based replacement for the browsers scroll bar, which doesn’t use any space. Has very good performance.


<script src="jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="fm.scrollator.jquery.js"></script>


<div id="scrollable_div1">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam rhoncus, felis interdum condimentum consectetur, nisl libero elementum eros, vehicula congue lacus eros non diam. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus mauris lorem, lacinia id tempus non, imperdiet et leo. Cras sit amet erat sit amet lacus egestas placerat. Aenean ultricies ultrices mauris ac congue. In vel tortor vel velit tristique tempus ac id nisi. Proin quis lorem velit. Nunc dui dui, blandit a ullamcorper vitae, congue fringilla lectus. Aliquam ultricies malesuada feugiat. Vestibulum placerat turpis et eros lobortis vel semper sapien pulvinar.<br>




custom_class: '', // A class to be added to this scrollator lane
zIndex: '', // z-index to be added to the scrollator lane


Global methods

Scrollator.refreshAllResize and reposition all scrollators

jQuery methods

destroyThis method is used to remove the instance of the plugin from the element box
refreshResize and reposition the scrollator
showShow the scrollator
hideHide the scrollator

Method usage



Here is a list of all the css classes

#scrollator_holderThe main scrollator holder has this id
scrollatorThis class is added to the scrollable elements which scrollator is added to
scrollator_lane_holderThe scrollator lane holder
scrollator_laneThe scrollator lane
scrollator_on_bodyThis class is added to the scrollator lane, if it is the lane of a body element
scrollator_handle_holderThe scrollator handle holder
scrollator_handleThe scrollator handle


Scrollator - Replacement for the browsers scroll bar

Tuesday 23 September 2014

navigation scroll effect with jQuery

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This jquery tutorial  ScrollNaviJs for fix navigation on top after scroll second section content, actually navigation fix in bottom of browser when we are in first section content

How to use

  • 1)Include jquery plugin and ScrollNaviJs

  • 2)call scrollnavi function with navigation ID

<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="js/scroll_navi.js"></script>

  • 3)put html code in body tag like below:

<div id="nav">
<div class="container">
<li><a href="#section1">Section1</a></li>
<li><a href="#section2">Section2</a></li>
<li><a href="#section3">Section3</a></li>
<li><a href="" data-outerpage="true">About Developer</a></li>
<div id="section1">Section1</div>
<div id="section2">Section2</div>
<div id="section3">Section3</div>

  • 4)also put css fiel

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/scrollnavi.css">


  • if you want to set scroll speed, then call method like below:


  • if you want to set link for another page, use data-outerpage attribute and put as ‘true’ like below:

 <a href="" data-outerpage="true">About Developer</a>

navigation scroll effect with jQuery

Sunday 21 September 2014

Linky - Linkify URLs, mentions & hashtags

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Linky is a jQuery plugin for linkifying URLs, mentions (for Twitter, Instagram or GitHub) and hashtags (for Twitter); that is, taking plain text references of URLs, mentions and hashtags and turning them to the appropriate links. Existing linkified URLs are kept untouched.


<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.linky.js"></script>


<div class="url"> should turn into a link, while <a href="">this link should stay untouched</a>.
<div class="twitter-mentions">
@andreassavvides should get highlighted! Not an e-mail such as though.
<div class="instagram-mentions">
We do instagram too! Check out @instagram!
<div class="hashtags">
Need hashtags linkified? Don't worry - #wegotyoucovered!
<div class="github-mentions">
You can find @AnSavvides on GitHub!



mentions: true,
urls: false,
linkTo: "twitter"

mentions: true,
urls: false,
linkTo: "instagram"

hashtags: true,
urls: false,
linkTo: "twitter"

mentions: true,
linkTo: "github"

Linky - Linkify URLs, mentions & hashtags

Friday 19 September 2014

BgndGallery - A sliding photogallery as background

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BgndGallery is a jQuery plugin you can make suggestive slide show of images as background of your page; the images will adapt their size to the window size fitting always at the best.

You can either navigate the gallery with your keyboard or with a control panel displayed where you want in the page.


<link href='css/bgndGallery.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="inc/mb.bgndGallery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="inc/mb.bgndGallery.effects.js"></script>


<div id="Gallery_wrapper"></div>
<div id="gallery_controls">
<div class="pause">pause</div>
<div class="play">play</div>
<div class="prev">prev</div>
<div class="next">next</div>
<div class="counter"></div>

If the “containment” of gallery is not the body than you need to define a DOMelement where the gallery will be inserted.


myGallery = new mbBgndGallery(
containment:"body", // or "#myGalleryElement"
// If your server allow directory listing
// else:


containment (string) – The selector of the element where the gallery will be inserted

folderPath (string) – The path of the folder where inages are placed (only if the server allow listing)
images (array) – an array containing the path of each images displayed
controls (string) – The selector of the element where the controls are placed
effect (string or JSON object) – You can use one of the preset effects to define how images will enter and exit from the gallery, or you can define the behavior your own using an Object containing the CSS property for the “enter” step and for the “exit” step (see below)
timer (int) – the value in millisecond for the display duration
effTimer (int) – the value in millisecond for the transaction duration
raster (string or false) – The path to the raster image, if the gallery has a raster overlay smaller images are better displayed //“inc/raster.png”
autoStart (boolean) – define if the gallery should start once initialized
grayScale (boolean) – define if the gallery should be displayed black and white (works only for same domain images)
activateKeyboard (boolean) – define if the gallery should be navigable via keyboard
shuffle (boolean) – define if the gallery images should be shuffle before the gallery start
preserveTop: (boolean) – define if the images should preserve their top position or centered
thumbs: (object) – folderPath:””, placeholder:”” – Create a thumbnails bar to navigate the gallery.

  • folderPath → the path to the thumbnails folder;

  • placeholder → the id of the DOM element where the thumbnails should be placed.

  • !!important → give thumbnails the same name of the original images.


onStart (function()) – a callback shooten once the gallery start

onChange (function(idx)) – a callback shooten once the image change “idx” is the index of the displayed image
onPause (function()) – a callback shooten once the gallery pause
onPlay (function(opt)) – a callback shooten once the gallery play. “opt” is are the options of the actual gallery; useful to change parameters on the fly
onNext (function(opt)) – a callback shooten once NEXT event is invoked. “opt” are the options of the actual gallery; useful to change parameters on the fly
onPrev (function(opt)) – a callback shooten once PREV event is invoked. “opt” are the options of the actual gallery; useful to change parameters on the fly


myGallery.changeGallery(array) – with this you can change the gallery’s images on the fly.


//if directory listing is allowed var array=jQuery.loadFromSystem(‘media/drawings/sketches/’); //or var array=[“myImageURL_1.jpg”,“myImageURL_2.jpg”,…];


myGallery.addImages(array, goto, shuffle) – with this you can add images to the gallery on the fly. Ex.:

//if directory listing is allowed var array=jQuery.loadFromSystem(‘media/drawings/sketches/’);

//or var array=[“myImageURL_1.jpg”,“myImageURL_2.jpg”,…] myGallery.addImages(array, true, true);

myGallery.removeImages(array) – with this you can remove images from the gallery on the fly.


var array=["myImageURL_1.jpg"]


The images transitions are based on three steps: ENTER, DISPLAY, EXIT.

The first and the last (ENTER and EXIT) steps define the position of the image before entering the screen and after exiting it; the “display” step is the position of the image on the screen.

While the DISPLAY step is calculated by the plug-in to fit the image on the screen, the ENTER and the EXIT steps can be configured and customized using a JSON Object annotation to define their CSS.

The gallery comes also with a preset of effects you can apply to manage how transitions should behave:

Transitions presets:

  • fade: Images will cross fade in and out.
    enter:left:0,opacity:0,exit:left:0,opacity:0, enterTiming:"ease-in", exitTiming:"ease-in"

  • slideUp: Images will slide up.
    enter:top:"100%",opacity:1,exit:top:0,opacity:0, enterTiming:"ease-in", exitTiming:"ease-in"

  • slideDown: Images will slide down.
    enter:top:"-100%",opacity:1,exit:top:0,opacity:0, enterTiming:"ease-in", exitTiming:"ease-in"

  • slideRight: Images will slide right.
    enter:left:"-100%",opacity:1,exit:left:0,opacity:0, enterTiming:"ease-in", exitTiming:"ease-in"

  • slideLeft: Images will slide left.
    enter:left:"100%",opacity:1,exit:left:0,opacity:0, enterTiming:"ease-in", exitTiming:"ease-in"

  • zoom: Images will cross zoom in and zoom out.
    enter:transform:"scale("+(1+ Math.random()*5)+")",opacity:0,exit:transform:"scale("+(1 + Math.random()*5)+")",opacity:0, enterTiming:"cubic-bezier(0.19, 1, 0.22, 1)", exitTiming:"cubic-bezier(0.19, 1, 0.22, 1)"

Feel free to contribute with other defaults posting your solution on the dedicated jQuery Q&A.

Applying transitions:

By default the gallery uses the “fade” effect. You can use the “effect” property to change the transition behavior.

Using one of the preset:


Using a custom JSON Object to define the CSS properties for the ENTERand EXIT steps:

The JSON Object has 4 parameters:

  • enter: a CSS Object containing all the attributes for the ENTER step.

  • exit: a CSS Object containing all the attributes for the EXIT step.

  • enterTiming: a string defining the bezier curve of the entering ease timing.

  • exitTiming: a string defining the bezier curve of the exiting ease timing.

effect:enter:transform:"scale("+(1+ Math.random()*2)+")",opacity:0,exit:transform:"scale("+(Math.random()*2)+")",opacity:0

Transition timing:

As the gallery is using the CSS3 transition capabilities you can define also theease to be applied to the effects. You have two additional attributes for the JSONdescriptor (enterTiming, exitTiming) used to define the enter and the exit timing. They accept a string with the cubic-bezier descriptor.

For example:

enterTiming: "cubic-bezier(0.19, 1, 0.22, 1)"


BgndGallery - A sliding photogallery as background

40+ Best Free jQuery CSS3 Accordion Menus, Sliders for 2014 or 2015

JQuery is a JavaScript library which is applied widely in web development and it gives top functionality to websites and let you create interactive web pages. JQuery is not spacious in size so that the performance takes very less time. Unlike other JavaScript libraries, jQuery implant great functions to use and you can create wonderful animation effects like sliding, fading etc.

The jQuery plugins provides a simple way to add an accordion to your website. It also has cookie countenance built in, is fully editable, and works with all browsers. These is a top plugins for site navigation. Accordion menus are a very, very convenient tool to show and hide information according demand.

JQuery Accordion menus or sliders make it possible to hide dispensable sections while focusing on the most crucial one when it’s active. It also presentation all the receivable content rather than one slide by one slide. Purely from interactive point of view, accordion seems to be more functional. But privately I prefer the smooth looking of the original sliders. As for the accordion menus, they are top for some blog post or web page that, say, is too lengthy to scroll.

In today’s post, we have collected jQuery accordion plugins, tutorials and execution methods. If you want to bring into operation accordion effects into your websites the below plugins and tutorials will beneficence you.


1) Elegant Accordion With jQuery and CSS3: [Tutorial, Download & Demo]



2) LiteAccordion : [Plugin, Demo & Download Demo]



3) Vertical Sliding Accordion with jQuery: [Tutorial, Demo & Download]

Vertical Sliding Accordion with jQuery


4) Grid Accordion with jQuery: [Tutorial, Demo & Download]

Grid Accordion with jQuery


5) zAccordion : [Plugin, Demo, Download]

zAccordion Plugin


6) Slidorion : [Plugin, Demo, Download]

Slidorion Plugin


7) Kwicks jQuery Accordion Slider: [Plugin, Demo, Download]

Kwicks jQuery Accordion Slider


8) Flexible Slide-to-top Accordion jQuery slider: [Tutorial, Demo & Download]

Flexible Slide-to-top Accordion jQuery slider


9) Evo Accordion Slider Plugin: [Plugin, Demo & Download]

Evo Accordion Slider Plugin


10) Stylish jQuery Accordion Plugin: [Plugin, Demo & Download Plugin]

Stylish jQuery Accordion Plugin


11) Sweet Accordion Vertical Menu: [Tutorial, Demo & Download Download]

Sweet Accordion Vertical Menu


12) Expanding Image Menu Accordion Slider: [Tutorial, Demo & Download]

Expanding Image Menu Accordion Slider


13) Scriptocean JavaScript Accordion Menu: [Demo & Download]

Scriptocean JavaScript Accordion Menu


14) Easy Accordion jQuery Plugin: [Plugin, Download & Demo]

Easy Accordion jQuery Plugin


15) Simple Intelligent Accordion: [Tutorial, Demo & Download]

Simple Intelligent Accordion


16) Simple Horizontal Accordion Slider: [Tutorial & Demo]

Simple Horizontal Accordion Slider


17) Horizontal & Vertical Accordion Plugin: [Tutorial, Demo & Download]

Horizontal & Vertical Accordion Plugin


18) jQuery Accordion Plugin from [Plugin & Demo]

jQuery Accordion Plugin from


19) Horizontal Accordion Script from Dynamicdrive: [Tutorial & Demo]

Horizontal Accordion Script from Dynamicdrive


20) Horizontal jQuery Accordion Using Custom Binding: [Tutorial & Demo]

Horizontal jQuery Accordion Using Custom Binding


21) Hover Accordion Menu:[Tutorial, Demo & Download]

Hover Accordion Menu


22) rAccordion Responsive Accordion Slider Plugin: [Plugin, Demo & Download]

rAccordion Responsive Accordion Slider Plugin


23) How to build a jQuery horizontal accordion slider: [Tutorial & Demo]

How to build a jQuery horizontal accordion slider


24) Lightweight accordion Plugin: [Plugin, Demo & Download]

Lightweight accordion Plugin


25) jQuery Accordion Menu Plugin: [Plugin, Demo & Download]

jQuery Accordion Menu Plugin


26) Image Accordion with CSS3: [Tutorial, Demo & Download]

Image Accordion with CSS3


27) Accordion with CSS3: [Tutorial, Demo & Download]

Accordion with CSS3


28) Create a vertical accordion slider using Pure CSS3: [Tutorial, Demo & Download]

Create a vertical accordion slider using Pure CSS3


29) Make an accordion style slider in CSS3: [Tutorial, Demo & Download]

Make an accordion style slider in CSS3


30) CSS3 Accordion Menu: [Tutorial, Demo & Download]

CSS3 Accordion Menu


31) HTML CSS3 Vertical Accordion Menu: [Tutorial, Demo & Download]

HTML CSS3 Vertical Accordion Menu


32) CSS3 Horizontal Accordion Slider: [Demo & Download]

CSS3 Horizontal Accordion Slider


33) jQuery Accordion Slideshow WordPress Plugin: [Demo & Download]

jQuery Accordion Slideshow WordPress Plugin


34) jQuery Accordion Vertical Menu Plugin: [Demo & Download]

jQuery Accordion Vertical Menu Plugin


35) WP UI Tabs, Accordion, & Sliders: [Demo & Download]

WP UI Tabs, Accordion, & Sliders


36) jQuery Drill Down iPod Menu Widget: [Demo & Download]

jQuery Drill Down iPod Menu Widget


37) CSS Accordion menu with Sliding notes WP plugin: [Download & Demo]

CSS Accordion menu with Sliding notes WP plugin


38) Accordion jQuery Image Menu v3.1 WP Plugin: [Demo & Download]

Accordion jQuery Image Menu v3.1 WP Plugin

39) jQuery Accordion Gallery

jQuery Accordion Gallery


40) Unleash jQuery Accordion Slider



41) Grid Accordion

Grid Accordion


42) CSS3 Accordions for WordPress

CSS3 Accordions for WordPress


43) Dynamic Accordion Banner Rotator

Dynamic Accordion Banner Rotator


44) Skinny jQuery Accordion Portfolio

Skinny jQuery Accordion Portfolio


45) AA Accordion CSS3 Slider

AA Accordion CSS3 Slider




40+ Best Free jQuery CSS3 Accordion Menus, Sliders for 2014 or 2015

Thursday 18 September 2014

JVFloat.js - Floating placeholder text

Download   Demo

JVFloat.js is a easy yet user-friendly jQuery plugin for creating a Floating Label Text effect using HTML5 and CSS3, which is inspirit by Matt D. Smith’s Mobile Form interplay.


<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jvfloat.css">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/jvfloat.min.js"></script>


<input type="text" placeholder="test" class="testBox">
<input type="email" placeholder="email" class="testBox">
<input type="text" placeholder="Username">
<input type="text" placeholder="Required" required>
<input type="text" placeholder="Has ID" id="testid">
<textarea placeholder="Textarea!"></textarea>
<textarea placeholder="Textarea with id!" id="textarea"></textarea>


$('input, textarea').jvFloat();



this section complete styling on the div.jvFloat wrapper nearly the input generated by the script.

Rules that you mustn’t remove: position: relative;

.jvFloat .placeHolder

this section complete styling on the span.placeHolder element inboard div.jvFloat, where the copy ofinput placeholder text was stored. it’s disappeared by default.

Rules that you mustn’t remove: position: absolute;, display: none;, visibility: hidden;,opacity: 0;

.jvFloat .placeHolder.required

the styling of the required placeholder. The default color is easy red.


the active state of the after mentioned section. its job are to show the hidden span.placeHolder when users is typing on the input.

Rules that you mustn’t remove: display: block;, visibility: visible;, opacity: 1


JVFloat uses CSS3 Transform and Transitions to perform the animations by default. Browsers that doesn’t support those will easy doesn’t display anything when user typing on the input elements. to fix that, enable/uncomment the legacy rules on the default CSS file, and comment out the CSS3 rules.

JVFloat.js - Floating placeholder text

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Dialog.js - jQuery plugin to create modal dialogs and forms.

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Dialog.js is a jQuery plugin to create modal dialogs and forms such as alert, confirm, contact us, and login.


<link rel="stylesheet" href="dialog.css">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="dialog.js"></script>


<button id="simple-alert" class="btn btn-default">Alert</button>
<div class="dialog">
<h1>Site Title</h1>
<div class="msg"></div>
<div class="form-group toolbar">
<button class="btn btn-primary cancel" type="submit">OK</button>


$(document).ready(function () 
$("#simple-alert").click(function (event)
$.dialog.alert("Hello World");




String. Name of template file to open.



String. Name of template file to close.



String. Message to display.



String. Message to display.



ok: "OK",
cancel: "Cancel",
option: ""

  • ok – String. Text of OK button.

  • cancel – String. Text of Cancel button.

  • option – String. Text of optional button. If defined the option button goes to the left of the Cancel button. The text of the button is returned in the onClose method if clicked.




path: "",
extension: ".html",
replace: true,
blocker: '<div class="blocker fade"></div>',
option_btn_start: '<button class="btn btn-default option" type="button">',
option_btn_end: '</button>',
option_btn_class: 'option'

  • path - String. Path to dialog template files. This is prepended before the name of the dialog.

    I leave this blank because our site is in multiple languages. This allows me to have a translation of each dialog because the page translations are in sub-folders off the root folder. For folder names we use a combination of a 2 digit language code and 2 digit country code, esmx for Mexico, esesfor Spain, zhcn for china, …

    Leaving this blank will cause the dialog template file to be retrieved from the current path.

  • extension - String. Extension of template file. This is added after the name of the dialog.

  • replace - Boolean. If true replace the contents of the dialog each time it is displayed. If false, retain the contents of the dialog.

  • blocker - String. Template of blocker element that contains the dialog.

  • confirm - Object.
    • option_btn_start – String. Template of option button. Used when you want 3 buttons on a confirm dialog. This will be the third button on the left.

    • option_btn_end – String. Template of the end of the option button element.

    • option_btn_class – String. Used to search for the option button to add or remove click behavior. Also used to remove the button if replace is set to false.



When the dialog opens, the passed function is called with the blocker element as the argument.


When the dialog closes, the passed function is called with the blocker element as the argument.

.onClose(function(boolean or text of optional button))

Confirm only. When the confirm dialog is closed, the passed function is called with a boolean or string argument denoting the button the user clicked.

  • True if the user clicked the OK button.

  • False if the user clicked the Cancel button.

  • The text of the option button if the user clicked the option button.



Number. Milliseconds to wait before closing the dialog.

By default the dialog will stay open until the user clicks the button. This can be used to open a dialog, like an alert that doesn’t require interaction from the user. Display the dialog long enough for the user to read it and then the dialog will automatically close. If the user reads faster than the time allotted for reading the dialog, the user can close the dialog before it is automatically closed by clicking the dialog button.

If used with the .confirm method, the onClose promise will pass false as its argument when the dialog automatically closes.

Dialog.js - jQuery plugin to create modal dialogs and forms.

Monday 8 September 2014

Purty Picker - Visual HSL, RGB and hex color picker

Download   Demo

Purty Picker is a super lightweight visual HSL, RGB and hex color picker with a responsive, touch-friendly and customizable UI. Compatible with jQuery or Zepto.


Small file-size (~4kb minified) with < 300 lines of source JS (Spectrum exceeds 2000 lines).

Compact and simple design with native controls. The color input also serves as a preview (text color automatically inverts for legibility).

Responsive. Everything is percent and not pixel based.

HDPI “Retina” quality CSS based UI.

Touch friendly.

Color picker markup is your own and not JS generated.

Semantic class and file names (e.g. using .color-picker and not .purty-picker).

CSS is split into core and customization, allowing you to easily get started on your own skin.

Simple enough to reverse-engineer and extend with your own features.

Inexpensive and automatic initialization. Multiple pickers may be used on a page.

Browser Support

For modern browsers (IE10+ and recent versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox), mostly due to the use of CSS3 linear gradients. Support for older browsers should be possible with a few modifications.


<link rel="stylesheet" href="color-picker.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src="color-picker.js"></script>


<fieldset class="color-picker">
<select class="format">
<option selected>HSL</option>
<input class="color" type="text" value="hsl(206, 59%, 42%)" />
<div class="spectrum">
<div class="pin"></div>
<input class="luminosity" type="range" min="0" max="100" />

Add the .color-picker markup to your page, making sure to:

  • Set a default .color input value (CSS valid HSL, RGB or hex).

  • Mark the relevant color .format option as selected.

Purty Picker - Visual HSL, RGB and hex color picker

Sunday 7 September 2014

Adapttext - Rescale text depending on it's container width

Download   Demo

Adapttext is a jQuery plugin that help rescale text depending on it’s container width.


<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script src="dist/jquery-adapttext.min.js"></script>


<p class="responsive">Hello world</p>
<p class="responsive" data-compression="10" data-max="100" data-min="10">Hello world</p>
<h1 class="responsive" data-scrollable="true">Long Text With Scrollable Support</h1>



Adapttext - Rescale text depending on it's container width

Thursday 4 September 2014

Rocket Page Flip

Download   Demo

Rocket Page Flip is jQuery plugin for page turning effect. Page flip slider for modern browser. Old browsers will just show/hide pages. Flip is done via CSS 3D tranformations with shadow on pages while flipping.


<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/pageflip.css">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="js/pageflip.js"></script>


<div class="pageflip">
<div class="page page-current" style="background: #209657 url('img/1.jpg') no-repeat center center">
<div class="page" style="background: #0387A5 url('img/2.jpg') no-repeat center center">
<div class="page" style="background: #A5C8CB url('img/3.jpg') no-repeat center center">
<div class="page" style="background: #0B0B0B url('img/4.jpg') no-repeat center center">
<div class="page" style="background: #82BDC4 url('img/5.jpg') no-repeat center center">


var pageflip = new RocketPageFlip('.pageflip', current: 0 );


defaultOptions = 
current: 0, // page to display
navigation: true, // show pagination
directionalNav: true, // show navigation btns
prevText: 'prev', // text for prev button
nextText: 'next' // text for next button

Rocket Page Flip

Wednesday 3 September 2014

instaFilta - jQuery plugin for performing in-page filtering

Download   Demo

Imagine that you have a web page displaying a huge list of data. It might be hard for the user to scan through all that data to find the thing he/she is interested in. instaFilta is a jQuery plugin that uses the input of a text field to perform in-page filtering, hiding non-matching items as the user types. Optionally, it can also filter out complete sections (groups of items) if there are no matching items in that section. If you don’t use sections, you don’t need to do anything special, it will work fine without specifying so.


<script src=""></script>
<script src="instafilta.min.js"></script>


<input type="text" id="instafilta-field" placeholder="Type to filter">
<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">A</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Amy</li>
<li class="section-item">Anakin Skywalker</li>
<li class="section-item">Albert</li>
<li class="section-item">Andy Panda</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">B</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Bob</li>
<li class="section-item">Bonnie</li>
<li class="section-item">Boogie Woogie</li>
<li class="section-item">Barry</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">C</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Carrie Bradshaw</li>
<li class="section-item">Carl</li>
<li class="section-item">Cindy</li>
<li class="section-item">Cameron</li>
<li class="section-item">C-3PO</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">D</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Dave</li>
<li class="section-item">Daryl</li>
<li class="section-item">Donna</li>
<li class="section-item">Danielle</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">E</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Eric</li>
<li class="section-item">Emma</li>
<li class="section-item">Eliot</li>
<li class="section-item">Ed</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">F</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Frank</li>
<li class="section-item">Fridah</li>
<li class="section-item">Florian</li>
<li class="section-item">Florence</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">G</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Georgie Porgie</li>
<li class="section-item">Garth</li>
<li class="section-item">Gillian</li>
<li class="section-item">Gandalf the Grey</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">H</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Harry</li>
<li class="section-item">Harriet</li>
<li class="section-item">Helen</li>
<li class="section-item">Hannibal "the cannibal"</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">I</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Ida</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">J</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Jacob</li>
<li class="section-item">Jennifer</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">K</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Kodos</li>
<li class="section-item">Kang</li>
<li class="section-item">King</li>
<li class="section-item">Kong</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">L</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Larry</li>
<li class="section-item">Lana</li>
<li class="section-item">Logan</li>
<li class="section-item">Lonesome Cowboy</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">M</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Mega Man</li>
<li class="section-item">Morgan</li>
<li class="section-item">Mollie</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">N</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Nick</li>
<li class="section-item">No Way Jose</li>
<li class="section-item">Nelly</li>
<li class="section-item">Nimda</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">O</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Ollie Williams</li>
<li class="section-item">Om-nom</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">P</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Paul</li>
<li class="section-item">Peter</li>
<li class="section-item">Pierre</li>
<li class="section-item">Patty</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">Q</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Q (from James Bond, you know?)</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">R</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Paul</li>
<li class="section-item">Peter</li>
<li class="section-item">Pierre</li>
<li class="section-item">Patty</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">S</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Sammy</li>
<li class="section-item">Silly</li>
<li class="section-item">Sally</li>
<li class="section-item">Sully</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">T</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Tyson</li>
<li class="section-item">Terry</li>
<li class="section-item">Taun-taun</li>
<li class="section-item">Taylor</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">U</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Ursula</li>
<li class="section-item">Uma</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">V</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Victor</li>
<li class="section-item">Val</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">W</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Walter</li>
<li class="section-item">Wayland</li>
<li class="section-item">Walker</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">X</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Xerxes</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">Y</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">You</li>

<div class="section">
<h2 class="section-title">Z</h2>
<ul class="section-list">
<li class="section-item">Zaphod</li>


targets: '.section-item',
sections: '.section',
markMatches: true

4. Highlighting matching text

When filtering out list items, it might be valuable to highlight exactly what part of the text was matched. We can do this using the markMatches option. If set to true, the match will get wrapped by a span, having the matchCssClass option CSS class. Use this class to style the match within the item text.

instaFilta - jQuery plugin for performing in-page filtering

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Pogo Slider Jquery Plugin

Download   Demo

Pogo Slider is a jQuery animated slider plugin which allows to cycle through a set of background images with a variety of CSS3 based slide transitions.


<link rel="stylesheet" href="../pogo-slider.min.css">
<script src="js/vendor/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="../jquery.pogo-slider.min.js"></script>


<div class="pogoSlider" id="js-main-slider">
<div class="pogoSlider-slide" data-transition="slideOverLeft" data-duration="1000" style="background-image:url(img/slide1.jpg);"></div>
<div class="pogoSlider-slide " data-transition="fold" data-duration="1000" style="background-image:url(img/slide2.jpg);"></div>
<div class="pogoSlider-slide " data-transition="shrinkReveal" data-duration="1000" style="background-image:url(img/slide3.jpg);"></div>


autoplay: true,
autoplayTimeout: 5000,
displayProgess: true,
preserveTargetSize: true,
targetWidth: 1000,
targetHeight: 300,
responsive: true


autoplayTimeout: 4000,
autoplay: true,
baseZindex: 1,
displayProgess: true,
onSlideStart: null,
onSlideEnd: null,
onSliderPause: null,
onSliderResume: null,
slideTransition: 'slide',
slideTransitionDuration: 1000,
elementTransitionStart: 500,
elementTransitionDuration: 1000,
elementTransitionIn: 'slideUp',
elementTransitionOut: 'slideDown',
generateButtons: true,
buttonPosition: 'CenterHorizontal',
generateNav: true,
navPosition: 'Bottom',
preserveTargetSize: false,
targetWidth: 1000,
targetHeight: 300,
responsive: false,
pauseOnHover: true

Pogo Slider Jquery Plugin