
Friday 14 November 2014

Best jQuery Lightbox Plugins for 2014 or 2015

JQuery is one of the most popular cross platform JavaScript library which is designed for simplification of client side scripting of HTML. JQuery is the free, open source and its syntax is designed in such a way that it makes easier to navigate a document, creating animations, handle events and develop AJAX applications as well. As more people started navigating towards the online business, there is a need to create some dynamic pages on web considering the advance level functionalities, animations and high level theme widget areas. This is where jQuery comes into play and satisfies all the needs to create some unique dynamic pages as well as web applications. 

We all know jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating and also Ajax interactions for rapid web developments. JQuery is specially designed to change the way that we write JavaScript. 
Now to understand jQuery Plugin, you need to define the term 'Plugin'. Plugin is actually set of software components and sometimes it may be very small in size and it adds specific abilities to a larger software application. Some plugins supports customizing functionality that let us get the full benefits and jQuery Plugins has this functionality.

The day by day growing jQuery community has created thousands of plugins from small selector helpers to full scale UI widgets. 

Why Plugins?

Some of the main reasons include:
> It enable third-party developers to create abilities which extend an application
> To support easily adding new features
> Sometimes, to reduce the size of an application
> Sometimes, to separate source code from an application
How to attach plugins in project?

 The use of jQuery plugins is very straightforward, we just need to download the plugin codes (.js files) and place it with your .js files in the project directory. If you remember the use of jQuery library files, we can either use the .js file place on different server or we can download .js file and place it in project directory. The same technique we can use there with plugins. I personally never use the different server for this; I just download one copy for my server because I can’t depend on other server’s uptime.

You may also create your own jQuery plugins and release them into the jQuery market, if you feel like there is no plugin that exists, solving your purpose. We can extend a jQuery prototype object using these plugins, enabling all jQuery objects to inherit any methods that you add. This article will give you a brief about the 20 Amazing jQuery Lightbox Plugins released in, or before for 2014 and 2015 


1. Lighterbox

lighterbox - one of the best jQuery Lightbox plugins
Lighterbox is a lighterweight and customizable jQuery lightbox gallery plugin. A simple plugin supporting modern mobile and desktop browsers to minimize configuration and hacky code.

2. Rebox

jQuery-Rebox is a simple, lightweight, responsive and mobile friendly jQuery lightbox plugin.It’s simple and do not require any images.

3. LiteBox

LiteBox - jQuery lightbox plugin
LiteBox is a versatile, auto detecting content, lightbox/modal window for use with images, embedded content (YouTube, Vimeo, Daily Motion and KickStarter), iframes and inline html.

4. lightGallery

JQuery lightGallery
jQuery lightGallery is a lightweight jQuery lightbox gallery for displaying image and video gallery. It has myriad of features such as responsive layout, touch support for mobile devices, slide and fade effects, image captions and descriptions and many more.

5. Image Lightbox

image lightbox
Image Lightbox is a ascetic, minimalistic, extensible & configurable, responsive and touch-friendly, iOS, Android and Windows Phone compatible lightbox plugin. Silently preloads next image, uses CSS transform and transition, interacts with keyboard.

6. jQuery TosRus

jquery tosrus
jQuery.TosRUs plugin is a great lightbox alternative forscrolling/swiping through any kind of content. On a desktop, tablet or smartphone, inside a HTML element or as a lightbox popup. It’s responsive by default.

7. Fluidbox

Fluidbox is a jQuery plugin that replicate the distraction-free, fluid lightbox seen on Medium, and to improve on it such that it will allow linking to a larger-resolution image. It works on mobile and also plugin deals with higher resolution, linked images elegantly, such that it only preloads them when users click on the thumbnails.

8. Swipebox

Swipebox is a jQuery lightbox plugin that has support for touch events and works well in responsive layouts. It can display a single item or a group of items (gallery) where they can be browsed with swipe gestures or keyboard too.

9. iLightbox

iLightBox is a fresh alternative to other jQuery lightbox plugins and there is a strong chance that, although it is a paid resource, it may become your favorite. It can present images, videos (YouTube, Vimeo, HTML5 video), other HTML and there is an optional fullscreen mode.

10. VenoBox

VenoBox is a just another responsive jQuery lightbox plugin, suitable for images, inline contents, iFrames, Google-Maps, Ajax requests, Vimeo and YouTube videos. The big difference compared to many others modal-window plugins is that VenoBox calculates the max width of the image displayed and preserves its height if is taller than the window (so in small devices you can scroll down the content, avoiding vertical microscopic resized images).

11. Magnific Popup

Magnific Popup is a free responsive jQuery lightbox plugin that is focused on performance and providing best experience for user with any device. The majority of lightbox plugins require you to define size of it via JS option. Magnific Popup does not – you can use relative units like EM’s or resize lightbox with help of CSS media queries. Update content inside lightbox without worrying about how it’ll resize and center.

12. Featherlight

Featherlight is a very lightweight jQuery lightbox. It isresponsive, supports images, ajax and iframes out of the box and range of configuration options, you can adapt it to your needs.

13. flipLightBox

flipLightBox is a free responsive lightbox jQuery plugin that is extremely easy to implement and doesn’t require any additional stylesheets, scripts or libraries. Its main feature is an optional flip effect as each lightbox image opens and closes. Another optional feature is a toggled slide text bar and navigation to accompany the lightbox images.

14. Colorbox

ColorBox is a jQuery Lightbox plugin which is lightweight (9kb) & supports photos, photo groups, slideshow, ajax, inline, and iframed content. The lightbox has a very nicely designed interface which can be improved or customized with CSS. ColorBox is unobtrusive; every option is mentioned in the JS & requires no changes to the existing HTML.

15. Lightbox_me

Lightbox_me is an essential tool for the jQuery developer’s toolbox. Feed it a DOM element wrapped in a jQuery object and it will lightbox it for you.

16. Shadowbox

Shadowbox is a lightbox plugin that supports all of the web’s most popular media publishing formats. Shadowbox is highly customizable and website authors can showcase a wide assortment of media in all major browsers without navigating users away from the linking page. Shadowbox is free for non-commercial use.

17. Superbox

SuperBox is a new jQuery plugin that takes the whole ‘image’ and ‘lightbox’ one step further, reducing the JavaScript and image load dependence to make lightboxing a thing of the past! Using HTML5 data-* attributes, responsive layouts and jQuery. SuperBox works wonders as a static image gallery, which you can click to reveal a full version of the image.

18. Lightview

Lightview allows you to easily create the most beautiful overlay windows using the jQuery Javascript library. By combining support for a wide range of media with gorgeous skins and a user-friendly API, Lightview aims to push the Lightbox concept as far as possible. Lightview uses HTML5 to help you deliver the best experience across every browser. Let it enhance your media automatically or create custom overlays using the powerful Javascript API.

19. Fresco

Fresco is a beautiful responsive lightbox that can be used to create stunning overlays that work great at any screen size, in all browsers on every device. To make things even more awesome Fresco comes with fullscreen zoom, retina-ready skins, Youtube and Vimeo integration for HTML5 video and a powerful Javascript API.

20. Topup

TopUp is an easy to use Javascript library for unobtrusively displaying images and webpages in a Web 2.0 approach of popups. The library is jQuery and jQuery UI driven in order to maintain cross-browser compatibility and compactness.

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